March 22, 2010




WHOA! Ok, so I've had orange juice before, and I think most people have, and I have always considered it bad flavored and riddled with chemicals. Pasteurization totally kills anything healthy in juice, and then chemicals are added into juice to replace the nutrients that once were there, making it taste like garbage. If you drink as much juice as I do, its easy to taste. Thats why even the health drinks try to do as little pastuerization as possible, such as flash pasteurization, in hopes to keep juice tasting like juice while still satisfiying the corporate government. BUT LO! I have learned that oranges are an awesome fruit by juicing them myself! I will never hold archaic government actions against a fruit again!

What better way to celebrate this color fruit than with its complimentary? Oranges and blues! These colors and flavors are natural buddies! They already hang out all the time and are awesome friends, this is the logical next step! Its so wonderful, its almost impossible to be aware enough of the situation to even name it. Complimentary colors together as one!

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